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SSC Combined Graduate Level Examination 2024


SSC Recruitment Combined Graduate Level Examination 2024

Details of the Posts: Following are the likely posts that will be filled up through this 

Keep checking PCSC ONLINE  regularly to get the latest updates. 

👉 Name Of The Post:

Pay Level-8 (₹ 47600 to 151100)
Assistant Audit Officer Indian Audit & Accounts 
Department under C&AG Group “B” Gazetted (Non-Ministerial)
18-30 years 

2 Assistant Accounts Officer Indian Audit & Accounts Department under C&AG 
Group “B” Gazetted (Non-Ministerial)
18-30 years

Pay Level-7 (₹ 44900 to 142400): 
 Assistant Section Officer Central Secretariat Service Group “B” 20-30 years 

Assistant Section Officer Intelligence Bureau Group “B” 18-30 years 

 Assistant Section Officer Ministry of Railway Group “B” 20-30 years 

Assistant Section Officer Ministry of External Affairs Group “B” 20-30 years 

 Assistant Section Officer AFHQ Group “B” 20-30 years 

 Assistant Section Officer Ministry of Electronics and 
Information Technology 
Group “B” 18-30 years 

 Assistant / Assistant 
Section Officer 
Other Ministries/ 
Departments/ Organizations 
Group “B” 18-30 years 

 Inspector of Income Tax CBDT Group “C” 18-30 years 

Inspector, (Central Excise) CBIC Group “B” 18-30 years 

 Inspector (Preventive 

 Inspector (Examiner) 

Assistant Enforcement 
Directorate of Enforcement, 
Department of Revenue 
Group “B” 18-30 years 

 Sub Inspector Central Bureau of 
Group “B” 20-30 years 

Inspector Posts Department of Post, 
Ministry of Communication 
Group “B” 18-30 years 

Inspector Central Bureau of 
Narcotics, Ministry of 
Group “B” 18-30 years

Pay Level-6 (₹ 35400 to 112400): 
 Assistant / Assistant 
Section Officer 
Other Ministries/ 
Departments/ Organizations 
Group “B” 18-30 years 

 Executive Assistant CBIC Group “B” 18-30 years 

Research Assistant National Human Rights 
Commission (NHRC)
Group “B” 18-30 years

Divisional Accountant Offices under C&AG Group “B” 18-30 years 

 Sub Inspector National Investigation 
Agency (NIA) 
Group “B” 18-30 years 

 Sub-Inspector/ Junior 
Intelligence Officer 
Narcotics Control Bureau 
Group “B” 18-30 years 

Junior Statistical Officer Ministry of Statistics & 
Group “B” 18-32 years

Pay Level-5 (₹ 29200 to 92300): 
Auditor Offices under C&AG Group “C” 18-27 years 

 Auditor Offices under CGDA Group “C” 18-27 years 

 Auditor Other Ministry/ 
Group “C” 18-27 years 

Accountant Offices under C&AG Group “C” 18-27 years 

 Accountant Controller General of 
Group “C” 18-27 years 

Accountant/ Junior 
Other Ministry/ 
Group “C” 18-27 years 

 Pay Level-4 (₹ 25500 to 81100): 
Postal Assistant/ Sorting 
Department of Post, 
Ministry of Communication 
Group “C” 18-27 years 

 Senior Secretariat 
Assistant/ Upper Division 
Central Govt. Offices/ 
Ministries other than CSCS 
Group “C” 18-27 years 

 Senior Administrative 
Military Engineering 
Services, Ministry of 
Group “C” 18-27 years 

Tax Assistant CBDT Group “C” 18-27 years 

Tax Assistant CBIC Group “C” 18-27 years 

Sub-Inspector Central Bureau of 
Narcotics, Ministry of 
Group “C” 18-27 years

👉 Important Date:
• Starting Date - 24/06/2024
• Last Date - 27/07/2024

👉 Total Vacancy : 
>>Categories wise post:
Please Read Official Notifications 

👉 Job Location : Gujarat & All India

👉 Job Type : SSC JOB

👉 Nationality/ Citizenship:
Candidate must be a citizen of India. 

👉 Application Mode :
Applications will be accepted through on-line mode only.

👉 Application Fee:

100/- only 

Women candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST) and Ex-servicemen (ESM) eligible for reservation are exempted from payment of fee.

👉 Official Webiste : 


👉 Education Qualifications:

Bachelor’s Degree in any subject

Candidates who have not acquired the essential educational qualification as on the stipulated date will not be eligible and need not apply.

👉 Age Limitations :

For the posts for which age limit is 
18-27 years 
Candidate must have been born not 
earlier than 02-08-1996 and not 
later than 01-08-2005. 

 For the posts for which age limit is 
20-30 years 
Candidate must have been born not 
earlier than 02-08-1993 and not 
later than 01-08-2003. 

For the posts for which age limit is 
18-30 years 
Candidate must have been born not 
earlier than 02-08-1993 and not 
later than 01-08-2005. 

For the post for which age limit is 
18-32 years 
Candidate must have been born not 
earlier than 02-08-1991 and not 
later than 01-08-2005.

Age Limit: 18-32 years as on 01-08-2023. Candidates should not have been born 
earlier than 02-01-2000 and later than 01-01-2005 in normal course. However, 
after relaxation of three (03) years in upper age.

Age-relaxation permissible beyond the upper age limit check Category wise age relaxation officials notifications.
01 SC/ ST 5 years
02 OBC 3 years
03 Ex-Servicemen 3 years after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age as on the date of reckoning.

👉 Salary:

Pay Level-7 (₹ 44900 to 142400): 
Pay Level-6 (₹ 35400 to 112400): 
Pay Level-5 (₹ 29200 to 92300): 
Pay Level-4 (₹ 25500 to 81100): 

👉 How apply:

Applications must be submitted in online mode at the official website of the Commission i.e. https://ssc.nic.in. For detailed instructions, please refer to officially notifications are given below links.

👉 Examinations:

The Computer Based Examination will be conducted in two tiers as indicated 

👉 Admit card or Callletter:

Admit Card for any stage of examination will not be sent by Post. Facility for download of Admit Cards will be provided at the websites of Regional Offices of the Commission. Candidates are advised to regularly visit the websites the updates on examination process and download of Admit Cards for each stage of examination.


👉 Official Notifications Download: Click Here

👉 Apply Online: Click Apply

👉 Main website: Click Here


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